Try this: Release your worries with a Worry Map

Worry Map | Mentemia

Use the Worry Map in the Mentemia app to feel less anxious and overwhelmed.

Everyone feels worried from time to time – it’s part of being human. But, worrying can be very unsettling. And, when worries are left unresolved, they can cause anxiety. Introducing the Worry Map – an interactive tool to help you address any worries you’re experiencing right now. The Worry map is designed to turn a worry into a plan of action. When you know what to do, you’ll be less anxious.

The idea is to write out your worry.

You then list the things you can do about your worry, and identify what you can't control.

Next you create a plan of action from the list of things you CAN do.

Because you have an action plan to address your worry, you can now let your worry go.

The Worry Map is a great way to get anxious thoughts out of your mind so you can focus on other things.

You can try it for yourself in the Mentemia app when you download from the Apple App store or Google Play store.

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