How to spot bullying

Chances are you have experienced or seen bullying before. Learn how to spot it and what it can look like.


The idea of bullying might bring to mind the movie scene where the tough kid in school grabs a smaller one by the collar and demands their lunch money.

And yes this is a classic example, but bullying can look very different to this too.

It can be overt - taunting someone or making cruel remarks about them; subtle - deliberately ignoring them or excluding them; emotional - playing upon the victim’s weaknesses or insecurities; or physical - through violence or the threat of it.

A troubling aspect of our modern world is that bullying can be done not only face to face but online too.

We also know that bullying doesn’t end with the high school years but can play out in adult relationships, families and workplaces.

Chances are you’ve experienced or witnessed it happening at some point in your life.


Although it shows up in different ways, bullying is basically this: the repeated and intentional use of words or actions against someone to cause distress and risk to their wellbeing.

It often involves a power imbalance, with the bully recognising and playing upon the vulnerability of the recipient.

So what makes people become bullies and what are the effects?

Read The effects of bullying to find out more.

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The effects of bullying