I wonder if there are others like me?

Bron shares her experience of finding joy again after a visit from the black dog.


Today I found my joy again.

Sadly, it’s been hiding lately as the black dog has been showing up in my life again and trying to consume me with negative thoughts.

I mostly manage my depression these days, but there are definitely times when it comes and consumes me.

I wonder if there are others like me? Who don’t suffer daily, but know it lurks.

It feels really uncomfortable to share this because many people see me far differently to the way I see myself.

While I’m the first to say we should feel OK to talk about mental health, it’s far from easy and man, I’m nervous.

But I’m hoping that by sharing how I’ve kicked that dark force to the curb today, others might also know there is hope and light and joy to be found if you listen to that little voice that tells you: “You are enough.”

I start by doing one thing I love, no matter how small.

Today, I felt like crawling into a big dark hole but I put one foot in front of the other and went into my garden. I’d forgotten that’s where I feel really good at something.

I find one little thing I know I can do, and I focus on it. Often, I’m surprised how there is no room for that pesky black dog when I allow myself time to just begin with one joyful thing that fills my cup.

Depression is so hard to explain or understand, but if you or someone you know struggles with it, you’re not alone and there is always hope, so be sure to reach out.

Don’t suffer alone, you are worthy of love and support. 

You are enough.

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